關於我們 About Us
緣起 Origin
How can we teach children the knowledge and skills necessary to adapt to the future? What competence do they need to live in and lead the world in 10 to 20 years to solve the many problems: poverty, food supply, energy, extreme weather, international trade and competition?
Learning River was founded to train and groom our future leaders. Our future leaders must be fluent in both Chinese and English, learn well state-of-the-art scientific and technology skills, and possess business and financial skills. Learning River is led by experts and experienced senior managers in business, technology and bi-lingual language education.
學之河簡介 Introduction
本機構的首席顧問郭志超教授,曾任教東海大學管理學院,教授 MBA 與EMBA 課程。也是超洋國際顧問公司和超洋國際實戰管理學院的創始人。郭教授為亞太地區許多跨國企業培訓了眾多高、中階主管,並且研發了多種實戰模擬桌遊工具,幫助主管事半功倍的學習財務、行銷、策略規劃與整合企業觀念。他也是企業傳承的倡導者和專家。他願望及早培養兒童和青少年成為國際企業的領袖。
The Government of Republic of China has announced its goal to become a bi-lingual nation by 2030. Teachers and curriculum experts at Learning River have been successfully working with primary schools and kindergartens for more than 30 years. We hope to share our experience with both public and private schools, and students, young and old. We hope to help them learn English well, and become more global in perspective.
Our technology and information science team has been successful in helping private school students in Taiwan learn Information technology and computer programming. Our team also has been using IT and the internet to make videos and graphic designs to tell Taiwan and local stories. The team of teachers and participating students have won many awards at national and international cyber fairs.
Professor Peter C. Kuo, Chief Consultant of Learning River International, taught MBA and EMBA students at Tunghai University's Graduate School of Management. He is the founder of Excel International Services and Excel International Management Institute. He has been training senior and middle managers of multinational corporations in Asia Pacific. He is an expert in designing creative training tools and simulation games for learning finance, marketing, strategic planning and integrative business sense. He is also a top consultant for business succession. He aspires to help children learn business and finance and groom them into future global leaders.
願景 Vision
Become an Innovative Global Learning Organization for Children and Parents in the Pacific